Home>Service> Awardees of Fervent Global Love of Lives Award> 7th Fervent Global Love of Lives Award 2004
Buddha the Waiting Room --Paul Brenner
A Buddhism for saving lives--Dr. Cynthia Maung
A cancer-fighting headmaster-Oose Toshiyaki
A fence-player on the wheelchair —Yu Tsui-Yi
Schweitzer in Buddhism--Ven.Hui Li
A cancer killer--DatoMohd. Farid Ariffin
A doctor of Cerebral palsy --Luke Hsieh
Fighting with muscular dystrophy courageously —Ma Wen-Chung
After rain comes the sunshine—Ku Ching-Yu
A cancer fighter—Kao Wei-Chih
A pearl shining forever-- Mrs. H.K.S.Lu
MPS Artist-- Chien Chun-Yu
An outstanding angel—Lin Shu-Yi
The Light in Darkness-Chung Wan-Chen
A brave crouching walker—Chiu Chun-Nan
A public welfare enthusiast -- Cheng Yu-Sheng
Dr. Brightness—Su Chien-Ming
Supporter of terminal cancer patients-Li Chih-Ching