Home>News Report> 2021> Paralympic Hero Becomes Parliament Member in Wheelchair

Paralympic Hero Becomes Parliament Member in Wheelchair


As COVID-19 took the world by surprise, people were forced to adapt. Loss of regularity and life threatening situations were common occurrences. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, people were able to transcend limitations and find new value in life. Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation awarded their Fervent Global Love of Lives Award to a person who was paralysed in the lower half of his body after sustaining injury during a skiing competition and a Spanish university student who was involved in a car accident causing him to need a wheelchair. Despite the unideal circumstances, these two people demonstrated courage and resilience setting a great example for others.

51 year old Russian member of parliament, Mikhail Terentiev excelled in swimming and skiing since childhood. In the past, he won a silver medal in a cross country skiing competition. During a competition in 1989, he sustained severe injury in his spine, forcing him to need a wheelchair. With impressive will power, he worked with his trainer to enter the paralympics only 2 years after the incident, where he won 1 gold and 4 silver medals in the winter paralympics. 


After his career in sports, Terentiev acted as a coach for other paralympic athletes, training future athletes to bring glory to their country. While coaching paralympians, Terentiev also actively participated in charitable sporting events for people with disabilities, encouraging other people with disabilities with his personal stories and fighting for their rights. These actions helped him gain support across different fields allowing him to be elected into parliament for 3 times.


A car accident caused paralysis in the lower half of the body of a Spanish member of parliament, derailing his fruitful university life. Ignacio Tremiño Gómez expressed after calming down from initial shock that although he still hopes to one day walk again, he acknowledged 3 days after the incident that he may need to use a wheelchair. Thankfully at his hospital, there were organizations to support his mental and physical health. He soon decided to face reality by firstly finishing his education remotely, from there he continued to receive a bachelors in law and masters in business management. Through his own experiences, he was better able to understand the needs of others, furthering the development of Spain’s national paraplegic association. He became an executive at ONCE Charity Lottery Group, providing job opportunities to 35,000 people with disabilities, developing one of the most outstanding lottery groups in the country, with revenues of 800,000,000 Euros, demonstrating that people with disabilities can be productive just like their counterparts without disabilities.


Gómez is a skilled persuader, who proposes many innovative bills, in hopes of helping people with disabilities make a living, enjoy more benefits and integrate into society. He received generous support from the public in his parliamentary election process. The way in which he enters parliament, inspires many, as he is a guardian angel for many people with disabilities.

Everyones life is different, and boasts the possibility of expressing their talent, only after accepting and embracing one’s disability, can one start to appreciate what they have and the opportunities their disabilities bring. Gómez believes that the car accident allowed for a thorough reflection of self, casting aside his previously shallow life, he thanks the lord for giving him this growth opportunity and thanks the car incident for granting him a life with more wisdo