Home>News Report> 2021> Call for help from patients with multiple sclerosis! Hoping for the unification. Seeking doctors to perform PTCA to treat this rare illness.
Call for help from patients with multiple sclerosis! Hoping for the unification. Seeking doctors to perform PTCA to treat this rare illness.

CTK Cultural and Educational Foundation presented an award to Lai Chih-Ming to show recognition today at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Chu Yu-Hao; an alumnus who is completely blind.

Lai Chih-Ming is a patient who suffers from multiple sclerosis and previously received brain percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, bringing hope back into his life. He advocated alongside the foundation’s esteemed founder Chou Chin-Hua on stage, seeking to unite bright minds in the medical field to give other patients the opportunity to receive this procedure. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages alumnus Chu was born completely blind, he is now a street performing artist and shares his life story around the globe.

Lai Chih-Ming is a Taiwanese optoelectronic semiconductor expert. He has over 300 patents and received countless awards for his astonishing research. 13 years ago he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a type of autoimmune disease leading to defects in the central nervous system. To this date, there is no known cure for multiple sclerosis. This illness can cause paralysis in the lower half of the body and feelings of diminishing organ function every day.
He said that without health, many aspects of life become meaningless, motivating him to experiment on himself, participating in the first array of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty procedures in Taipei, in hopes of relieving the symptoms or perhaps even curing others with multiple sclerosis.

Chou Chin-Hua expressed that Taiwan has almost 2000 known cases of this rare disease, with Lai Chih-Ming being one of them. Although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2008 causing paralysis, he still leveraged his specialization in  information technology to influence Professor Hu; the director of Taipei’s Department of Neurology Neurological Institute using examples of treatment from Europe and America. Successfully completing 10 procedures of PTCA for patient with multiple sclerosis, bringing them hope once again. However, this group was disbanded after Hu retired, leaving those who desired this treatment disappointed. Lai Chih-Ming and Chou Chin-Hua spoke passionately on behalf of those with multiple sclerosis, hoping that Taiwan’s brilliant doctors can stand up to form a team for PTCA, brining hope to patients with multiple sclerosis!

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages notable alumni, Chu was born with deformities in both retinas causing complete blindness. Under the support of both his parents, he managed to adapt to socialising with his peers. Not only was he studious in his academics but also found happiness and self-confidence in music; attaining many awards in piano, guitar and singing competitions. He is now a joyful street performer and often performs at weddings, Weiya and openings ceremonies; sharing his life experiences across the globe.

Chu attended today’s event wearing a crimson red shirt. The vice-principal of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages asked students whether they knew how Chu chose the colour of his shirt. The truth is, Chu’s mother sews buttons in braille onto his clothes enabling him to pick the colour of his shirt everyday independently. Chu hopes that in the future, he is able to use his voice, music and talents in language to spread his passion for life throughout the world.

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Vice-principal Zhang Lin-Rao (right) praising blind alumnus Chu Yu-Hao (left). Journalist: Xu Ru-Yi
Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Education Foundation Founder Chou Chin-Hua (left) expresses gratitude to Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Vice-principal Zhang Lin-Rao (right). Journalist: Xu Ru-Yi

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Vice-principal Zhang Lin-Rao (right) praising engineering professor with multiple sclerosis Lai Chih-Ming (left)
Xu, R.-Y. (2021, December 22). 多發性硬化症病友請命!望罕病名醫籌組血管擴張術團隊. 聯合報. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from https://udn.com/news/story/7266/5981058?from=udn-catelistnews_ch2.